Buena Vista Mavericks 4-H Club

Biz Kid$ - Entrepreneurship Project

Buena Vista Mavericks 4-H Club is a Community Club that includes the following projects:  Horse, Entrepreneurship, Dog, Cooking (ages 8-19 years) and Clover Buds (ages 5-7 years). We were formed in 2005 in Tempe, Arizona (Maricopa County)  This page relates to the Entrepreneurship project known as the Biz Kid$.  The Biz Kid$ can be ages 8-19 years.  The members develop a business based on their interests, skills and creativity.  The goal is to teach youth financial literacy by learning to run a small business.  The businesses generally range from pet/baby sitting, house keeping/sitting services, craft and product selling, organized collective activities, such as yard sales, holiday boutiques, lemonade/concession stands etc.  The business ideas up to the creativity of the youth.

The club activities begin October 1 of each year and generally meet once a month at the leader's home to plan activities and encourage business ideas. Katy Holditch has been the primary leader of the club since 2014 with the assistance of co-leaders and parent volunteers. Co-Leader Linda Lee focuses on developing members' interest in crafting to develop products to sell or enter into the county fair.

To register for 4-H online, go to https://4h.zsuite.org/ and follow the prompts.  Create profile for your family and members, select Maricopa County, Buena Vista Mavericks 4-H Club, Entrepreneurship as the project.  You may also select other projects if they are available.  The current dues are as follows: $35 County 4-H Registration Fee - paid through Zsuite and $5 club dues - paid to BVM 4-H Biz Kids. There are scholarships and fee assistance available through an application at the county.  You may email Katy Holditch  gahold@aol.com for more information.

The 4-H Program is an equal opportunity organization, 501-C-3 non- profit though the University of Arizona - Maricopa County Cooperative Extension  https://extension.arizona.edu/join-maricopa-county-4-h

Scroll to the very bottom to see the gallery of photos of Biz Kid$ activities.
About Us imageAbout Us image

Business Development Goals:

o   Create your Business Name and Description - Give business name: 

o   Acquire at least three customers. Name three: 

o   Create and use invoices to collect payment. 

o    Learn to use a banking or payment app. Venmo, Zelle, Bank App

o   Ask clients for feedback on your work to improve or expand service.

o   Participate in at least one collective business event. Name one: 

o   Keep track of your income and expenses for the 4-H Year and  will you submit record book at year end?

Goals for Your Personal Growth

o   Participate in at least two community service activities 2-4 hours. Name them. 

o   Donate some of your personal proceeds to a community service/charity. Name your charity.

 o   Get to know more about 4-H and participate in other activities it has to offer. Provide example. 

o   Attend an educational training, class or demonstration to improve your business. Provide example

o   Attend the Maricopa County Fair. 

Over and above:

o   Get a personal email and use it to communicate with clients. 

o   Create business cards or flyers. 

o   Open/have a bank account for checking or savings. What bank? 

o   Create/have your own website.

 o   Give a presentation on your business or a specific learning experience. 

o   Take a course/research or learn more about how to provide a better service or product. 

o   Enter a poster or display in the Maricopa County Fair.

o   Write an article about your business or Biz Kid$ in a publication. 

o   Hold and office or leadership position in the Club. 

  • Tempe, Arizona

Email your name and contact information and your interest in the club. Katy Holditch will respond to you with further information and answers to any questions you may have. Katy Holditch is a volunteer who is certified through Maricopa County Extension, University of Arizona.

Answer these questions to create your business plan:

1. Business Name

  • What is the name of your business?

2. Business Idea

  • What does your business do?
  • Why do you want to start this business?

3. Products or Services

  • What are you going to sell or what service will you provide?
  • Why do you think people will want to buy your product or use your service?

4. Target Customers

  • Who are your customers? (Who will buy your product or service?)
  • Where can you find your customers? (At school, online, in your neighborhood?)

5. Business Location

  • Where will you sell your product or service? (From home, online, at school?)

6. Business Goals

  • What do you want to achieve with your business? (Make money, help others, have fun?)

7. Marketing Plan

  • How will people know about your business? (Posters, social media, telling friends?)
  • What makes your business special or different from others?

8. Costs

  • What will you need to start your business? (Supplies, tools, money?)
  • How much money do you need to start your business?

9. Pricing

  • How much will you charge for your product or service?
  • Why did you choose this price?

10. Profits

  • How much money do you hope to make? (Total money minus costs)

11. Helping Hands

  • Who can help you with your business? (Parents, friends, teachers?)
  • What will they do to help?

12. Timeline

  • When do you want to start your business?
  • What steps do you need to take before you can start?

13. Success

  • How will you know if your business is successful? (Number of sales, happy customers?)
    ------------------------------Now Get Busy!--------------------------------