Buena Vista Mavericks 4-H Club is a Community Club that includes the following projects:  Horse, Entrepreneurship, Dog, Cooking (ages 8-19 years) and Clover Buds (ages 5-7 years). We were formed in 2005 in Tempe, Arizona (Maricopa County)  This page relates to the Entrepreneurship project known as the Biz Kid$.  The Biz Kid$ can be ages 8-19 years.  The members develop a business based on their interests, skills and creativity.  The goal is to teach youth financial literacy by learning to run a small business.  The businesses generally range from pet/baby sitting, house keeping/sitting services, craft and product selling, organized collective activities, such as yard sales, holiday boutiques, lemonade/concession stands etc.  The business ideas up to the creativity of the youth.

The club activities begin October 1 of each year and generally meet once a month at the leader's home to plan activities and encourage business ideas. Katy Holditch has been the primary leader of the club since 2014 with the assistance of co-leaders and parent volunteers. Co-Leader Linda Lee focuses on developing members' interest in crafting to develop products to sell or enter into the county fair.

To register for 4-H online, go to https://4h.zsuite.org/ and follow the prompts.  Create profile for your family and members, select Maricopa County, Buena Vista Mavericks 4-H Club, Entrepreneurship as the project.  You may also select other projects if they are available.  The current dues are as follows: $35 County 4-H Registration Fee - paid through Zsuite and $5 club dues - paid to BVM 4-H Biz Kids. There are scholarships and fee assistance available through an application at the county.  You may email Katy Holditch  gahold@aol.com for more information.

The 4-H Program is an equal opportunity organization, 501-C-3 non- profit though the University of Arizona - Maricopa County Cooperative Extension  https://extension.arizona.edu/join-maricopa-county-4-h

Scroll to the very bottom to see the gallery of photos of Biz Kid$ activities.
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